Why should you use free stuff to free your soul for a better life?
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes
Free Stuff to free your soul! When your soul is able to express its true self, you are less stressed and feel as if you are in the flow of life. Your relationships are in harmony, your job career is on track and you are happier overall. Happiness is a mindset. When you live within this energy you have the ability to ward off a psychic attack. The only person that can bring you happiness is yourself. The free stuff tools shared below will greatly assist you to find your happy place.
Free Stuff included below
- How to manifest what you want using energy rituals
- How to remove negative energy in the bath or shower
- How to use the book of Psalms to create or release to free your soul
- Working with the Lord’s Prayer for purification and protection
- Gemstones
- Grounding and energy expansion Meditation to stop the feeling of being out of your body
- Words of power
- Prayer to release negative energy and open to receive
- Free stuff quick fixes
How does Creating with Energy free your soul?
Using energy forces (what the Chinese call chi) to re-create your life is extremely potent. Energy is “energy” and can be used for both positive and negative outcomes. Remember what you sow, you reap, and if you choose to work with negative energy, it WILL come back to visit you. When you free your soul, you allow the cosmic doors to open to help co-create your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
As energy naturally flows, we are in constant contact with high vibrational vibes and lower vibes. The trick is to stay in the highest vibration possible. Example: you are out having a wonderful time at the park. Someone comes over to you and starts to call you names for no reason. Your energy field instantly switched from a high and light frequency to a low and dense frequency due to the harsh words hurled at you. The information shared below will help you switch your energy right back into that high vibration., without having to deal with the negative person directly.
Are you really under a psychic attack?
As energy naturally flows, we are in constant contact with high vibrational vibes and lower vibes. The trick is to stay in the highest vibration possible. Example: you are out having a wonderful time at the park. Someone comes over to you and starts to call you names for no reason. Your energy field instantly switched from a high and light frequency to a low and dense frequency due to the harsh words hurled at you. The information shared below will help you switch your energy right back into that high vibration., without having to deal with the negative person directly.
Cleansing Your Aura and Etheric Body
Welches 100% Concord Grape Juice
Drink 16 ounces of pure 100% Concord grape juice. I have found that Welches Concord grape juice embodies the energy of Saint Germain. You want the unsweetened version. Before you drink the juice, set your intention to release all energy that is not yours.

Invite Saint-Germain to come in and transmute the negative energy with his Violet Flame. After you drink the juice chant the mantra I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God (Source/ whomever you believe in) desires. If you do not have a belief system you can say The Universe. Chant this mantra for 5 minutes minimum. The mantra alone will raise your frequency and adding the grape juice stirs the energy stronger as if the unwanted energy is trapped in a tornado and the energy falls away.
Thank Saint Germain and the grape juice for the service provided. Do this twice a day for 7 days when you feel under attack or just out of sorts. You will be amazed at how quickly this simple process will free your soul.

Another internal cleaning process is to eat Blueberries. Consume at least 4 ounces a day for seven days setting the same intentions and giving thanks as noted above. Also, invite the energy of Saint Germain and Archangel Michael for protection.
Both processes have been very effective in removing negative energy, especially when combined with the bathing ritual. Before calling for a de-possession or spirit release therapy session, try the remedies described above. If you do not find relief, call for a consultation to release the negative nastiness, and free your soul.
Protect yourself from psychic attack

Sit erect or lay down in a quiet space. Inhale through your nose for a count of 10 and exhale through your mouth for a count of 10 five times to release stress and quiet your mind. Repeat these words: ” In the name of my Mighty I AM presence, I now invoke the golden-white Light of “Source‘ to fill my whole being.” Visualize a brilliant golden white light streaming down from “Source” through your crown chakra ( top of your head).
Allow this light to fill your body and infuse your body until your whole aura is filled with brilliant golden-white light. Now repeat these words: “In the name of the Mighty I AM Presence, I call upon you, beloved Archangel Michael, and I now request that you seal my body and this space with your divine electric blue sapphire Light.” Visualize a 6-inch thick wall of sapphire blue light forming around your aura and watch it encase your whole aura like a cocoon.
Visually it will appear as a large egg of beautiful blue light with brilliant golden-white Light saturating your physical and energy bodies. You are now in a safe space, and you can safely go as you please without concern for an energetic attack or interference.
FREE Grounding and Energy Expansion Meditation
If you are looking to manifest your dreams and have relative clarity in your life, it is essential for your spirit to be present and in your body so you can magnetize to yourself your heart’s desire. Grounding yourself connects you energetically to earth and hastens the manifesting process on all levels. You can not create if you are swimming in the energy of fear, scarcity, or non-belief. Grounding yourself releases the feeling of the aforementioned, allowing the door for creation to open widely. The additional bonus is grounding helps to release negative energy.
Whether you are looking to attract a new job, money, a relationship, or want to connect with yourself on a deeper level, being grounded is the underpinning key to success.
This nine-minute meditation will help you navigate your sea of emotions, allowing you to connect with and ground yourself at a much deeper level.
Words of Power
Every sound has an enormous amount of power. When a word is spoken, it carries a particular vibration that reverberates throughout the universe. When certain words are strung together, they have a powerful effect on you and the world.
Below are prayers that work with shifting your vibration. Use them as you feel the need. The Lords Prayer, along with the 23rd Psalm, holds the energy of potent words. Whenever you feel “blue,” confused, or just looking to shift your energetic space, the Lord’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm will bring a tremendous sense of calm. You need not subscribe to any religious tenets for these words to bring relief. Remember, we are focusing on words that the power shift energy quickly.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be our name. Thy kingdom comes thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom power and glory forever. Amen
23rd Psalm (King James Version)
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Prayer to Release negative energy and opening to receive
From my Heart and with all my Being, I invite my Divine Soul Self to merge fully with me NOW. In a safe and Sacred way, I invite Divine Light into my heart and my entire Being on all Levels. I ask the highest Divine Light Beings and all of my Divine Spirit Teachers, Healers, Guides, and Guardians to work with me NOW. All that is done must be for my highest will and good and fully aligned with my Divine Soul Essence and soul purpose.
I ask that this room, the space I occupy, be filled and surrounded with Divine Light and Divine Love as I continue. With Full and Total Intent, I state to Spirit that I fully and completely release and relinquish every vow, judgment, contract, pact, oath, and agreement that I have made either with myself or others that do not now serve a true purpose and is not for the highest will and good of all. I ask that any vows and pacts made against myself be also revoked.
I ask Spirit to break all of these now. The power of God is working through me to free me from every negative influence. Nothing can hold me in bondage. All power is given unto me for good in mind, body, and affairs, and I rightly use it here now. It is my intention, and so it is. Thank you.
And in full faith, I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (x3) right here, and now in full power, consciously active, ever-expanding, and world enfolding until all are Holy ascended in the light and free. Beloved, I Am (x3)
Free stuff – Free your soul quick fixes
Often we need a quick fix to get on with our day or through a project. The effective energy techniques shared here are designed to use on the fly. Enjoy!
Protection from Anger – To protect yourself from the destructive forces of another person’s anger, apply two drops of Hyssop Oil to your wrists, behind the knee, and at the nape of the neck once a day. Diffusing the energy of anger will allow you to free your soul.
For Emotional Balance – apply two drops of Lavender Essential Oil to the back of your neck. Also, carry a red-tiger eye and hematite with you at all times. The tiger – eye gathers scattered energy and the Hematite grounds and transforms it into a positive, usable force. Lavender Oil helps to balance your chakras, keeping you in balance.
To Remember Your Dreams – place three drops of Lemon Grass Essential Oil on a cotton ball and place it under your pillow before falling asleep. Put a pad of paper and pen next to the bed to record your dreams as soon as you awaken. Before falling asleep, use intention and ask the universe to help you to remember your dreams. Remembering your dreams will help to free your soul.
To Become More Grounded – place three drops of Pine Essential Oil on your tailbone. Sit on the floor and inhale deeply through your nose. Draw in green energy from the Earth. Exhale fully, expelling the red energy of activity back into the Earth. Repeat until you feel relaxed.
To Obtain Money – Inscribe a green candle with your name and the exact anoint of money you need – no more, no less. Anoint the candle with and “drawing” oil such as Patchouli. Light it and say,’ Money comes, and money grows. Money is mine; to me, it flows.
General Protection – place 2 drops of Angelica Essential Oil behind your ears each day.
To Relieve Psychic Attack – Mentally build a bubble around yourself, completely covering the outer surface with mirrors. The reflective surface causes any negative energy to bounce back to its source.