Monique Chapman Business Intuitive Consultant shares inforamtion for your business to thrive!
Intuitive business consultations delivers effective solutions for your business problems. Indeed, having an intuitive business consultant on staff is the up-and-coming trend for today’s prosperous business.
From the corporate boardroom to a sole proprietor’s storefront, successful businesses are hiring intuitive business consultants. Furthermore, intuitive business consultants are considered an integral part of the overall business plan.
The use of intuitive business solutions to maintain and increase your companies bottom line is just as relevant as advertising your business. In fact, successful captains of industry strongly rely on their intuition calling their insights a “hunch” or a “ gut feeling” that is too strong to disregard.

Monique Chapman is an intuitive business consultant who has successfully helped companies delineate and achieve their business goals. As an Intuitive Business Consultant, Monique functions to identify and eradicate a businesses energetic blockages.
Everything in life consists of energy. For example, a poor performing company represents stuck and stagnant energy. Conversely, in a high performing company, the energy flows unimpeded creating the space for stability and success. That being the case, Monique Chapman delivers the information needed for growth, profitability, and ROI.
Intuitive Business Consultant Monique Chapman areas of business expertice
Monique Chapman intention is to increase your business profits!
Areas of expertise
- Key Person Decisions
- Staff Integrity
- Profitability
- Product launch and lifecycle
- Growing Service Based Business
- Market Expansion – Web/Brick and Mortar
Maximizing Return On Investment - Target Customer Identification
- Contract Negotiation
- Project Management
- Client/Vendor Relationship Building
When you are ready to elevate your organization to the next level, contact Monique for reliable insights.
As an intuitive business consultant, Monique has a track record of being a valuable asset. She provides clear laser focused guidance for the individual as well as career development. Because of this, Monique serves as a strategic partner for start-ups or executives mapping out new directions for their business.

More importantly, today’s volatile business climate demands every business to create maximum profit while cutting expendetures while increasing customer satisfaction. A recent Newsweek article stated that “Helping to create a favorable environment for intuitive business consultants are the number of politicians and corporate titans who talk these days about ‘gut feeling openly,’ intuition’s more masculine-sounding counterpart.”
All in all, if you are serious about optimizing the success of your business contract with intuitive business consultant Monique Chapman. Utilization of Monique Chapman’s business intuitive skills coupled with her 25 plus years of corporate experience at the executive level will assist you in maximizing your market share and profits.
How do billionaires gain their competitive edge?
Oprah says “My business skills have come from being guided by my inner self- my intuition.”
Putting your personal assessment of these people aside their business acumen is astounding.
Steve Jobs based his career on it, and Bill Gates used it too. Richard Branson is also a big fan. Intuition helped Einstein devise the theory of relativity. Intuition – and its importance in management is at an all-time high.Source: to assist Management Today
Monique Chapman has a successful track record in verticals isted below
- NonProfit
- Pharmaceutical
- Online Commerce
- Technical
- Hardware Production
- Medical/Healthcare
- Software Localization
- Dry Cleaning
- Holistic Services
- Security Coverage
- Politics
- The Entertainment Industry
Monique offers the following Intuitive Business Services:
Executive intuitive business consultations

Monique is available to meet with your executive team to analyze the overall operational vision, current direction, and business plan of your company
Consultations encompass
- start-ups
- mergers
- acquisitions
- going public
- hiring/firing
- downsizing
- relocation
- forecasting
- program creation and implementation
Project or Team Business Consultations

Group sessions are to assist project/team members with the goal of increasing their productivity by imparting clear communication and conflict resolution skills.
Business intuitive consultant Monique Chapman provides a clear picture to the dynamics of the group, outlining strengths and weaknesses. Insight is provided on how to bring out the best in everyone for a win/win outcome.
Personal consultations for workplace issues
Personal intuitive business consultations regarding career path, goals or personal business concerns within the workplace can range from one session to a series of business intuitive consultation meetings.
Your intuitive business consultation can be deductible as a business expense. We will happily set you up with a contract and provide you with a receipt or invoice upon request. Please consult your tax professional for further advice.
Consultation sessions available:
- Hourly
- Half day
- Full day
- Retainer
Contact Monique for a quote.
Protect your business! Need an attorney?
In today’s business climate it is vital that you have trusted legal services at your fingertips. For a quarter of a century, attorney Craig A. Brandt successfully devoted his expertise to small business and families. He is a strong advocate who will fight for your rights. Contact Mr. Brandt to discuss your needs at [email protected].