Spirit Possession happens when a non-physical being or entity invades your aura and or body.
Spirit release therapy is a process employed to release unwanted energies/spirits. The same process is known as spirit depossession. A qualified Spirit Release Therapist performs the removal of the negative energy.
What is Spirit Possession?
Spirit possession is the total or partial “assault” of a living human by a discarnate being. The being/entity may or may not have had a physical life. Given that, if the being/entity lived a human life at some point in time, the surviving consciousness is called an earthbound spirit. The Cure? Spirit Release Therapy, also known as Spirit Depossession.
What Is A Spirit Attachment / Spirit Possession?

Spirit Possession, Spirit Attachment, or Entity Attachments are all the same. The entity becomes a parasite to the host, causing illnesses and disorders that are not biologically logical. The host is afflicted with maladies that the medical community can’t understand nor can cure. At this point, Soul fragmentation occurs, necessitating the recovery of the soul fragments and healing of the Soul.
What Are the Signs of Spirit Attachment/ Spirit Possession?

The twelve common signs of spirit possession
Sudden and unexplained changes in behavior, such as increased anger, depression, wanting to hurt others, and continual thoughts of murder/suicide
Sudden cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs, especially if one does not typically use these substances
Hearing voices
Sudden weight gain without a medical explanation
Fears and phobias – experiencing low and frightening energy
Serious illness of unknown cause
Sudden and prolonged loss of energy
Memory and concentration problems
Severe personality disorders
Unexplained health/physical problems
Migraine headaches
Panic or anxiety attacks
“I keep going to the doctor for being short of breath, the tests came back, and they can’t medically find anything wrong, they referred me to psychiatry, I went, and I still feel that something is a bit off… wrong”.
Spirit attachment can manifest its presence/dominance over its host, with a broad range of intruding symptoms from mild malaise to complete control. The attaching Spirit does not request or require the host’s permission.
What and Who Are Entities and Negative Energies?

The two most common types of entities are Earthbound spirits and Negative Energy forces. The spirit/soul survives after the physical body’s death. Often, due to fear, spirits are confused about going to the light when their physical body dies.
Many spirits remain on the Earth plane, attaching themselves to people or places and becoming poltergeists, ghosts, or haunting spirits. This is often due to their unawareness of having passed on.
When you hear of demonic energy, the reference is to the energy that has never occupied a physical body. Moreover, this negative force seeks to destroy and disrupt as it does not know any other way of existing.
There is a belief that negative energy stems from Lucifer or fallen angels. However, it’s important to understand that these forces are simply energy. Our perception of them is what determines their positive or negative nature.
A lot of people crave the presence of a spirit to feel reassured. However, as an advisor, I recommend avoiding this. Allowing spirits to linger in our energy field invites other energies to join in. The best way to take care of ourselves is to identify our own unique energy and eliminate any foreign energy.
More importantly, it is always prudent to ask any spirit where they come from and how they came to be. A real, simple question to ask is, “are you from the divine light?” Spirit is always compelled to tell the truth if you ask.
How Do Spirits or Entities Attach to Us?

Entities attach to humans when we are at a low energy point or when our soul has left the body for any reason. Fear, depression, angst, foul moods, alcoholism, or drug use ( yes, even prescription drugs) open the door for spirit attachment. As a result, an earthbound spirit may attach to a person’s aura or body while they are in a state of weakness or unconscious for any reason.
When visiting a hospital, cemetery, or funeral home, you open yourself up to “entertaining” and inviting these energies into your aura. Even a night out on the town can invite gnarly negative energy into your aura and body. Always place the White Light of Christ around yourself before frequenting such places. You can also create easy, effective protection by wearing or carrying hematite, black obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger eye, jet, or black tourmaline. Young Living Essential Oils sells White Angelica, which I have found very protective with daily use.
Other active ways of attracting unwanted energy are an organ transplant (the organ donors’ energy can follow the transplanted organ into the new body), a head injury, blood transfusion, drugs, or excessive alcohol. I say active because energy flows and is everywhere. An excellent book explaining this concept is The Unquiet Dead by Edith Fiore.
When our bodies are out of “their natural rhythm,” they can act as a magnet for negative energy or energy discordant to its own and open a person for attachment.
By the way, by using occult tools that you don’t fully understand, such as an Ouija Board, you are placing a casting call for these energies to take up residence.
Childhood abuse, rape, incest, or any circumstance that promotes fear opens the portal for entities to attach. Once the entity gains entry, it leaves a hole or tears in your aura. The portal is then opened, which allows for more attachments to join either the host or “piggyback” on the original attachment.
Spirit Release Therapy is a spiritual healing modality used to cleanse a person of attachments and negative energies.
Testimonial from a recent client ~T. Bryant
“I came to Monique seeking assistance regarding intense spiritual issues. I was having an almost impossible time getting any sleep, having night terrors, and a host of other issues I believed to be connected to spiritual matters. The combined weight of all of my ongoing experiences made it hard for me to be in my body and function well in life. Working with Monique helped me to tackle my problems one effective step at a time. Reframing my situations, staying positive and goal-oriented, combined with Sessions, Monique has helped me make real progress. I came to Monique regarding spiritual concerns, though her advice for my business and steps to have a richer life has been a real gift. Thank you, Monique.”
What Is Spirit Release Therapy?
Spirit Release Therapy is the process used to release attachments from living people. This depossession process can be done in person or from a distance, which is called remote clearing. Distance work is possible because everything that exists is energy. When we tap into a person’s energy field with an attachment, it is possible to discern their energy from foreign energy.

Remote spirit depossession often occurs without the conscious knowledge of the individual who requires healing. If a parent is concerned about a minor child, they can permit the work to be done by proxy. Permission is always requested and granted from that person’s higher self or working with a child or their parent before the session begins.
Who performs Spirit Release Therapy or Spirit depossession?
Spirit Release Therapy is administered by hypnotherapists, shamans, or others who have undertaken specialized training in spirit release therapy. Therapists are commonly well-versed in metaphysical knowledge, parapsychology, and even religion. It is important for the therapist to understand the client’s belief system to use words that resonate with the client.
Individuals who practice this form of healing are referred to as Spirit Release Therapists or “spiritual warriors.” While a successful Spirit Depossession/Spirit Release session can occur in one sitting, it is more common for multiple sessions to be necessary. It is crucial to understand that negative energy has had time to accumulate over a period of time. Therefore, it will require patience and commitment to achieve a complete release.
The process of entity release depends on the number of entities present and their willingness to leave. Additionally, your subconscious desire to release them also plays a significant role. Often, the host has become so accustomed to the parasite’s energy that they have forgotten the essence of their own organic energy. As a result, there may be a subconscious desire to hold onto the energetic imprint that the entities have left behind.

The proprietary system that I use is tailored to each individual. No two possessions are the same, nor are the spirit depossession sessions cookie-cutter. I get to the root cause of why the entity has attached what it needs and wants from you and assist in moving on without bothering you or anyone else on earth.
There will be work for you to do before and after the session! The before-release work is a seven-day process. After the session, work can be short or long-term. It is like cleaning your house. Most people will clean at least weekly, if not daily. The longer you go without cleaning, the stronger/ dirtier the home becomes. It is vital to keep your energy field as debris-free as possible. All the information is shared with you at the time of your session.
Spirit Release Therapy -Spirit depossession or Exorcism. What’s the difference?
I understand that there can be some confusion between Spirit Release Therapy and exorcism. While the latter is typically performed by a Catholic clergy member and involves driving out demons, Spirit Release Therapy or spirit depossession involves communicating with the entity directly and guiding it towards a more positive existence elsewhere, without causing harm to humans. It’s important to note that various choices are available, and “going into the light” is just one of them. I hope this information helps clarify the differences between the two approaches.
Specifically, the entity receives healing in the release process and will not return to the host or anyone else as a negative parasite. Please understand that the entity has to agree to be healed, leave the host, and go where it can never invade another host.
If the aforementioned does not happen, the procedure will not be successful. The same holds for earthbound attachments. Because of the depth of my understanding and success, I am an expert at obtaining that agreement.
Once the unwanted energy vacates, an energy healing is performed for the aura and chakras of the client. The chakras are balanced, and the energy field is sealed with the Divine Light.
Does This Process Really Help People?

The spirit release- spirit depossession procedure in and of itself is not dangerous or frightening once a client is aware of the reality of the situation. However, what is dangerous is the energy or entity residing within the client’s soul or aura. Slowly stealing the life force of the client.
The residing energy can overtake the energy field of the therapist, therefore, having two hosts to feed upon. The practitioner must protect themselves while working with the client.
For this reason, a practitioner who is a trained expert in spirit depossession is paramount. Even more, the therapist should also be an expert in the art of extreme protection. The practitioner should have no fear of the client or the entity. If fear exists, the process will not only fail; the entity can expand its energy to others.
Spirit Depossession or Spirit Release Therapy can offer significant benefits to individuals, but it is not a guaranteed solution. When someone undergoes this process and is “cleared,” their unique Soul energy returns, and they start feeling more like themselves. Typically, people experience a noticeable shift in their energy after the therapy. To help maintain this clear state, Monique offers aftercare advice to support individuals in keeping their energetic footprint as pure as possible.
Many individuals turn to Spirit Release Therapy as a last resort, after finding no success with other healing methods. Unfortunately, this form of healing has yet to be fully recognized by traditional therapy. However, undergoing a depossessing procedure can be a safe and effective approach if you are looking to explore beyond conventional medicine.
Fear -Anger – Guilt – Jealousy
Below are just a few examples of negative energies generated for various reasons. Negative thoughts take many forms and affect people in many different ways. Here is a small sampling of the kinds of negativity that can be cleared by Spirit Release Therapy:

Accidental childhood “programming” by an authority figure, such as “You’re stupid. You’ll never learn anything.” “You’re just a wild animal.” “You’re an absolute klutz.” “Can’t you do anything right?”

Psychic attack by another person (you may not even be aware of their feelings toward you). Another person’s anger, jealousy, or other negativity toward you may be strong enough to constitute a psychic attack on you. Conversely, your negativity toward others may psychically attack them, even without your conscious intent to “attack.”

A “curse” is an extreme form of psychic attack. People who practice the black arts sometimes perform certain rituals to initiate this type of activity.

Environments, places, and objects can harbor or hold residual vibrations from past negative actions associated with them. An excellent example of this is battlefields or disaster sites such as airline crashes and the twin towers monument in NYC.

Relationships that have ended unhappily or unpleasantly may leave negative “strings or cords” attached. Negative “bonds” are potent.
Sometimes negative experiences can leave emotional ties that are difficult to break. These ties can be very powerful and impact your overall well-being. If you suspect you may be struggling with Spirit Possession, seeking guidance from Monique Chapman could be helpful. Monique offers a 30-minute consultation for $100, during which she can evaluate your situation and provide you with valuable tools to manage your energy. If you decide to move forward with a spirit release therapy session, the $100 consultation fee will be applied towards the total cost of the $500 session.
To reiterate: A successful Spirit Depossession/SRT session could happen in one session. Be that as it may, the norm is several sessions may be required. It is important to recognize that the undesirable energy has had the opportunity to build up over time. Conversely, it will take time and dedication for a full release.
Spirit Release Therapy/Spirit depossession sessions are 3 hours in length. Fee: $500 per session*.
If you decide to move forward with a meeting, Monique will email you the intake sheet and contract needed to secure the appointment. Both the intake sheet and contract must be completely and honestly filled out, or we will not move forward.
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*Additional sessions may be required. Each three-hour session is $500.
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A valid credit card is necessary to confirm your scheduled consultation (unless payment is sent in advance when using a money order). A 24-hour notice is required to reschedule your appointment at no charge. Full payment is charged for missed appointments or cancellations within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment. Any appointment made the same day and not kept will be charged for the full time of the appointment. Cancellation within the 24-hour period must be in writing and emailed to Monique Chapman. All sales are final.