Metaphysical Crystal Pomeroy’s latest book – Angels and Goddesses: Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence, shares information on manifesting, time travel healing, and much more.
Take a deep dive into invocations, affirmations, and working with light beings to enhance your powers of manifestation. This book is more than the Law of Attraction. In it, Pomeroy shares the tools to change your vibe and your life.

The tools in the book precipitate a vibrational shift in connection to the seven archangels. It reveals their roots in goddess traditions before the advent of institutionalized religion. It shares keys to fuse with their colors and powers, keys that optimize the results of inner work.
Angels and Goddesses present a cohesive system of metaphysical techniques adapted from those shamans, healers, and spiritual guides thousands of years ago before a global catastrophe and warrior groups all but erased them from the face of the earth. The Keys are attractive and easy to integrate to enhance manifestation, time travel healing, and much more.
We talk about
Crystal Pomeroy has been working intensively as a healer and teaching metaphysics for over twenty years. She’s a radio and television host and contributes tips on angel healing, astrology, rituals, and prosperity for newspapers and magazines. She also authored the Spanish -language book Los Pergaminos de la Abundancia and a line of self-help products. Her YouTube videos have more than 600,000 views.