Metaphysical Crystal Pomeroy's latest book - Angels and Goddesses: Manifest Your Desires with Angelic Intelligence, shares information on manifesting, time travel healing, and much more. Take a deep dive into invocations, affirmations, and working with light beings to enhance your powers of manifestation. This book is more than the Law of … [Read more...] about Manifesting, Time Travel, and Healing
Manifesting With Metatron
Today I will share how Archangel Metatron helps us anytime, especially during this time of uncertainty. Manifesting with Metatron will improve your life. 2022 has opened the door for financial insecurities and exponential homelessness, food shortages, climate change, and war. Because of this, fear, worry, depression, and the energy of vast … [Read more...] about Manifesting With Metatron
Develop Inner Peace
Diane Dreher, Ph.D., talks about her new book, The Tao Of Inner Peace, which translates the ancient eastern philosophy of Tao Te Ching for western readers. With its lively, demystifying approach, The Tao of Inner Peace shows how the Tao can be a powerful and calming source of growth, inspiration, and well-being in times of conflict … [Read more...] about Develop Inner Peace
Discover Your Essence With Deep Healing
Tiffany Lazic's new book The Noble Art: From Shadow to Essence Through the Wheel of the Year shares the tools for life transformation. The Noble Art provides spiritual, psychological, and energetic tools for reclaiming your essence through the stages and seasons of life. Each spoke of the Wheel of the Year represents an opportunity for … [Read more...] about Discover Your Essence With Deep Healing